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Boosters Club

Keefe Regional Technical High School Boosters Club

The Keefe Regional Technial School Boosters Club is dedicated to the students of Keefe Tech.  We raise money for the Athletic Department, and we also provide many students with scholarships for both academic and athletics.  We are an organization that runs off of volunteers.  We are in need of help and would love to have more moms, dads, sisters, and brothers join us to help raise money for the Keefe Tech Community.  We sell food in the snack shack after school, swim meets, sporting events, and even sell food for the Night School Program.  If you are interested in helping contribute to our effort to support the students at Keefe Tech, see below for contact information.

After School:
2:30 - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday
Night School:
5:00 - 8:00 PM, Monday - Friday

For more information or any questions please email: Jacinthe Benstrong-Twohig, KT
Boosters Club President: