Scholarship Information
Each year many scholarships become available to students. Scholarships are awarded at the national, state and local level and criteria varies widely. They can be awarded by charitable foundations, civic groups, corporations, professional trades and they often target certain criteria such as GPA’s, athletes, low-income applications, minorities, etc. Scholarships are not always based upon merit.
The Keefe Tech School Counseling Department works closely with students to assist them in the scholarship application process.
To be eligible to apply for scholarships through the Keefe Tech School Counseling Department, students must complete the Scholarship Portfolio. Seniors will have the opportunity to attend a Scholarship/Financial Aid Information Session scheduled each year to prepare them for the Scholarship Application Process. This meeting will include instructions on how to complete the ScholarshipPortfolio and deadlines to be aware of in the process.
Some scholarships require their own individual applications with additional criteria. These individual scholarship applications may be obtained in the School Counseling Office and/or on the websites.
In addition to the many scholarships available through the School Counseling Office, many large employers offer scholarships to employees and or their children. Students should be sure to ask their parents, Human Resources or Benefits Department if they have a scholarship program. Professional and trade organizations may offer scholarships to the children of their members so inquire there as well. Students can do their own internet searches based upon their areas of interest and personal background. In the past, Keefe Tech students have been very successful recipients of many types of scholarships.
Senior Awards Night
Senior Awards Night is held prior to graduation each year in the Keefe Tech auditorium. All of the known scholarships are presented that evening including Keefe Technical Education Awards (KTEA), Academic Awards and Senior Career and Technology Awards sponsored by the Keefe Tech Boosters Club. In addition, previously presented scholarships/awards are announced at Senior Awards Night.
Our goal is to provide Keefe Tech students with as many scholarship opportunities as possible and encourage our students and families to be proactive in their pursuit of scholarships.