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Health Services

Nurses' Contact Information: Fax 508-416-2120

Bridget Veale

Titles: Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: 508-416-2263

Mindy Wade

Titles: Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: 508-416-2263

The KT nursing team is looking forward to working with you for the 2024/2025 school year to ensure the year is healthy and safe for everyone. Students learn best when they are healthy! Here are some important school protocols & policies to keep in mind: 

  • Physical Exams: All new students are required to provide a current physical. Student athletes must have a current physical to participate, including for try-outs. Physicals expire after 13 months. School Health Resources for Parents

  • Copy of Vaccine Record: State regulations require each child to meet grade entry immunization requirements. State Immunization Requirements

  • Does your child have diabetes, a seizure disorder, or anaphylactic allergies? If so, please notify the nurses and provide a copy of their doctor’s currently prescribed emergency plan and medication orders. Plan to drop off any rescue medicine at the beginning of the year (For example, EpiPen, seizure meds, diabetes meds, inhaler)

    • If your child has any life-threatening food allergies, you can also reach out to our Cafeteria Director, Tony Penezic, for any questions related to our school’s meal program. 508-416-2248   


  • Medications: Medications should be administered at home before or after school whenever possible unless it has been deemed medically necessary by a physician to have medication during the school day.

    • ALL medications must have signed doctor’s orders. 

    • Medication must be delivered to the nurse in a current pharmacy or manufacturer labeled container. We cannot accept any medication in plastic bags, pill sorters, or expired pill bottles. 

    • Medication orders must be renewed each school year (after July 1st).

    • Over-the-Counter Medicines: Once you’re registered with PowerSchool, make sure you go into the Health section and check off permission for your child to receive over-the-counter medicines while at school in case they are feeling unwell during the school day. We can provide medicines like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, tums, cough drops, and benadryl but we can only do so with a parent’s permission. For any PowerSchool questions, please check in with our data specialist, Daniel Fothergill (,  508-416-2237)

Respiratory Illnesses Guidelines: We will be following the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the DESE recommendations to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses at school. 

If you test positive for covid, you may begin to resume normal activities with precautions if: 

  1. You have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicines; AND 

  2. Your other symptoms are improving

You may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, even if you are feeling better. 

For at least the first 5 days after you resume normal activities, take these extra precautions:

  • Avoid crowded indoor spaces. Wear a mask anytime you are indoors around other people 

  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.

  • Avoid spending time with people who are at increased risk for severe disease

As a reminder, in addition to covid-related health issues, students cannot come into school with the following symptoms/conditions:

■   Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea  (must be symptom-free for a full 24 hours before return)

■   A persistent, uncontrolled cough and/or severe nasal drainage/congestion

■   Blistery, weeping skin sores or rash, especially if accompanied by a fever.  Students will need to be cleared of any contagious illness by their physician before returning to school.

■   If your child has been diagnosed with strep throat, pink eye, ringworm, or impetigo, etc., he/she must be on antibiotics 24 hours before returning to school and must be fever-free for 24hours without fever-reducing medicine. 

■   Chicken pox, Pertussis, Rubella, Mumps, Measles, Hepatitis A - Your medical provider and the school nurses can review the different criteria for return to school following these illnesses. 

■   Your child feels too unwell and cannot keep up with the school day.

To report your student’s absence, please contact Melissa Sabo,, 508-416-2259 and update the school nurses as needed. 

Please reach out to the KT nurses with any health updates and/or health concerns so we can best care for your student during the school day. 

Additional Helpful Resources: 

Massachusetts Mental Health and Substance Use support via the Mass Helpline, which is available 24/7. 

  • Call or text 833-773-2445. Live chat available at their website. 

  • - resources for parents and teens

  • - a resource for parents from the American Academy of Pediatrics 

Health Office Forms

School Health Information and Resources