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Social Studies

Social studies education is essential for sustaining our constitutional democracy by preparing our young people to become responsible citizens. Responsible citizenship rests on the notion that young people must be educated to understand the complexities of human society and to govern themselves competently. Therefore, our goal is to prepare students to assume citizenship responsibilities and to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good of citizens in a pluralistic, democratic society of an interdependent world. Toward this goal, the social studies curriculum strives to build four capacities in young people: disciplinary knowledge, thinking skills, commitment to democratic values, and citizen participation.

The Keefe Technical High School Social Studies Curriculum is based primarily on the standards as set in the Massachusetts and Social Science Curriculum Framework. It is designed to integrate the major strands of social studies: history, civics and government, geography, and economics while examining the larger themes and ideas of history and the social sciences. The curriculum is designed to provide students with multiple and varied opportunities for rich educational experiences and in-depth study as they progress through the grades.

Primary focus is placed on the mastery of the core knowledge for each subject area and the concepts and skills in the social sciences that are essential to all American citizens. Problem solving, collaboration, and civic responsibility are strongly emphasized and integrated throughout the curriculum, as is the development of research, reading, writing, and study skills. The reading and analysis of primary documents is an important feature throughout the curriculum. Technology and research provide a key foundation for acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, and content.

The Common Core curriculum includes a two-year study (grades 9-10) of United States History I & II and World History II (grade 11). Electives are offered in grades 11 and 12 that give students the chance to delve deeper into subjects that interest them, and allows them to broaden and apply the knowledge they gained in their basic history classes, so they can analyze, understand and evaluate more contemporary real-world problems.

Social Studies

Social Studies Faculty Contact Information

Matthew Warren

Lead Teacher, Varisty Girls Volleyball Coach, Varsity Boys Volleyball Coach

Jamie Conti

Teacher, Student Council Advisor

Philip Rosano

Teacher, Varisty Boys Baseball Coach

Michael Canizaro


Jessi Fanuele

Social Studies

Jason Ricardo

Social Studies