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Keefe Regional Technical School strives to allow each student to be successful. Recognizing the unique demands of quality Career Technical Programs and the necessary rigor and relevance of a competitive college preparatory education, Keefe Technical provides students with comprehensive opportunities that best guarantee success beyond their high school experience. Planning for the future is an important part of this success and School Counselors work with students each year to determine course placement.
Keefe Tech’s academic component provides students with a dynamic and comprehensive program to best guarantee success after high school. We offer a full College Preparatory and Honors Program, with opportunities for students to participate in Advanced Placement courses and Dual Enrollment courses at local colleges and universities.
All Grade 9 students take a core curriculum in English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, and health. In addition to the academic core, all Grade 9 students spend three periods every other week in a career exploratory program. In this program, students explore eight Career/Technical areas and receive career counseling in each area. 

Grade 10 students enter a CTE program that meets every day/five days per week on an every other week rotation. This program continues through Grades 11 and 12 with possible internship and co-op placement during Grades 11 and 12.

Students receive technical training in one of the following areas: 

Automotive Technology
Criminal Justice 
Culinary Arts
Dental Assisting
Design & Visual Communications
Early Childhood Education & Training
Health Careers
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVAC/R)
Horticulture & Landscape Management
Information Technology
Metal Fabrication
Programming & Web Development

Academic classes for Grades 10, 11, and 12 meet on an every other week basis. As with Grade 9, students take a core curriculum of English, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education. A variety of elective opportunities are available for students to select each year. A complete listing of courses can be found in our Program of Studies.