Students are required to complete successfully the objectives of six credits of mathematics coursework but may elect up to eight credits. Aspects of mathematics that emphasize real-life situations are integrated regularly throughout all the mathematics courses. All courses are college preparatory and fully address the goals and objectives of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.
The Mathematics curriculum is structured to best address the broad needs of students. All courses are designed for students who learn best in an applied approach. The department advances five major goals for students, to learn to value mathematics as a tool to explore relationships between mathematics and the many disciplines it serves. To gain confidence in using mathematical power to make sense of new problem situations and the world in which we live. To develop ability in solving problem situations independently and in a cooperative group setting. Students are given opportunities to read, write and discuss ideas, use the signs, symbols, and terms of mathematics. Additionally, students are encouraged to gather evidence, make conjectures, develop and support rationale using mathematical reasoning.
The honors mathematics pathway moves from Algebra Two to Geometry to Advanced Algebra and Pre-Calculus with senior year expectation of Calculus/AP Calculus. Additional electives are available dependent upon student career plans. The majority of students follows a college preparatory pathway beginning with Algebra One but may elect Honors-level courses. The need for technological proficiency is recognized at all levels and in all courses. Students are encouraged and trained to use calculators to speed arithmetic calculations, for advanced analysis, and to explore relationships and concepts, visualize solutions, and promote hypothetical modeling of real-life situations. Additional methods utilizing computer software for exploration and analysis are also employed in all courses.