English Language Learners
The English Language Learner Program welcomes students from all countries and language groups who do not speak English as their first language, and who require assistance completing schoolwork in English.
The ELL Program provides a variety of services to its students and has two components: English as a Second Language (ESL) and Sheltered English Immersion (SEI).
In English as a Second Language courses, students receive intensive instruction in English. ESL courses are offered at beginning, intermediate, and advanced, in ESL levels 1-4. These rigorous courses help students improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills; in addition to preparing students to meet the competency standards of the MCAS.
Sheltered English Immersion allows English Language Learners to attend mainstream academic classes with their English-speaking peers. Language support services are provided by bilingual aides to ensure success in the content area academic classes of mathematics, science, and social studies.
Additionally, English Language Learners are actively enrolled in all of Keefe Tech’s Career/Technical Education programs. Language support services may be provided in vocational classes to ensure meaningful participation and success while students continue to acquire English.
English Language Learners at Keefe Technical High School have full access to the wide variety of programs, activities, and clubs offered at the school and language is no barrier! Right now ELLs are actively participating in football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross-country and track, the Art Club, the Drama Club, Business Professionals of America, and Skills USA, and more! Keefe Tech’s ELL students are Student Athletes of the Month, Team MVPs, make the Honor Roll, and belong to the prestigious National Honor Society!
NOTE: The following classes are NO longer offered:
506, 516- ESL LITERATURE CP1- (Gr 9-12) 1 CREDIT
05, 515 - ESL 5 CP1 - (Gr 9-12) 1 CREDIT
English Language Learners
English Language Learners Faculty Contact Information
If you are looking for information about adult ESL Classes, please see our Keefe at Night Page.