501, 511 – ESL 1 CP1 – (Gr 9-12) 1 CREDIT
This course is designed for students who speak little to no English. Emphasis is on developing students’ vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills for personal, social, and academic purposes. The focus of the course is on survival and academic vocabulary development as well as understanding and using basic English grammar including: the verb to be, present tense, continuous tense, future tense and pronouns. Students read beginning level material in this course. By the end of this course, students transition into CP ESL 2.
502, 512 – ESL 2 CP1 – (Gr 9-12) 1 CREDIT
This course is designed for students who are at the low intermediate level of English. There is continuing emphasis on the development of vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Students begin to use both regular and irregular past tense verbs and modals such as: can, may, might, and should. Students read high-beginning and low-intermediate material in this course. By the end of this course, students transition into CP ESL 3.
503, 513 – ESL 3 CP1 – (Gr 9-12) 1 CREDIT
This course is designed for students who have transitioned into the high intermediate level of English. Continuing emphasis is placed on developing students’ vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills for personal, social, and academic purposes. Students in this course are ready for more complex grammatical structures including: present and past perfect, two- word verbs, connectors, gerunds, and infinitives. There is a strong emphasis on reading and increasing the students’ independent and instructional reading level. By the end of this course, students transition into CP ESL 4.
504, 514 – ESL 4 CP1 – (Gr 9-12) 1 CREDIT
This course is designed for students who are at the advanced level of English but are not yet ready for mainstream classes. Students will comprehend and communicate orally using spoken English to participate in academic and social settings. They will write English for a variety of purposes with clear focus, coherent organization, and sufficient detail. Students in this course learn to use very complex grammatical structures including: conditionals, passive voice, perfect modals, embedded questions, tag questions and reported speech. Students in this course are reading novels and are able to write essays in response to MCAS questions. By the end of this course, students transition into CP ESL 5 OR mainstream English classes, depending upon teacher recommendation.
This course provides both individualized academic support and additional literacy practice to students. English Language Learners who are being pushed into mainstream English are eligible to take this course, and it is also open to grade 9 students in their first year out of the ESL program. The purpose of this course is to ensure that English Language Learners get the support that they need on any take-home work for academic classes, while also giving them additional support and helping to bridge the gap between ESL and mainstream classes for students who are new to mainstream English classes. This class is pass/ fail.
520 ESL LANGUAGE LAB 1&2 CP1- (GR 9-12) 1 CREDIT
English Language Learners who are enrolled in ESL 1 or ESL 2 are eligible to take this course. This course is designed to build up their productive language skills in English. English Language Learners will engage in speaking and writing activities. 27 Students in this class will receive support with take home work for their other academic classes, while mainly focusing on the development of productive language skills in English. This class is pass/ fail.
521 ESL LANGUAGE LAB 3&4 CP1- (GR 9-12) 1 CREDIT
English Language Learners who are enrolled in ESL 3 or ESL 4 are eligible to take this course. This course is designed to refine their productive language skills in English. English Language Learners will engage in speaking and writing activities. Students in this class will receive support with take home work for their other academic classes, while mainly focusing on the development of productive language skills in English. This class is pass/ fail.