Safety and Security at Keefe Regional Technical School
The personal safety of our students and staff and the security of our school facilities are of paramount importance to the school district leadership and to the district School Committee. As a school community working collaboratively, we have focused on actions we can take to maintain and improve the security of everyone who is present on our campus and assure an environment in which our students, teachers, and staff can achieve their missions without distractions or fears of personal safety.
In recent years we have implemented many changes in operational procedures and our physical environment. School climate, school culture and school safety have been and continue to be administrative priorities. Following the most recent tragic events in Newtown CT, we have been reevaluating all aspects of security related measures ranging from ways to anticipate sources of concern for individuals in need of support services and intervention to the most effective response to situations that might arise.
Access to Keefe Regional Technical School is secured at the commencement of each school day. This secure atmosphere allows us to focus on the day's learning assignments. With all members of our school community we insist on a culture of mutual respect that promotes high expectations regarding the behavior and performance in all roles. We maintain a very supportive network which includes guidance counselors, the school psychologist, and clinical psychology interns. Each of them, every day, prioritizes the well being of our students.
Professional development programs for our faculty cover all aspects of their roles related to intervention and response. These are presented at the beginning of each school year and are reemphasized during the year on appropriate occasions. We constantly seek to develop in each of our students a sense of self esteem, of self confidence and awareness of ways to build constructive relationships with their peers. Thus, we seek to avoid intimidation and bullying or other destructive or demeaning practices in our school environment. We are proud of our ability to recognize and avoiding potentially troublesome behaviors in those respects.
The goal of completely assuring school safety and security is never fully realized. Our efforts toward that goal are ongoing and continuous. Those efforts include reliance upon the combined experience and professional training of our staff and calling upon the resources of the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education and of independent consultants for guidance and assistance. They help to expand our ability to provide a safe and secure learning environment.
We assure our students, their parents and the communities we serve that we are keenly aware of our responsibility in these matters and seek to meet them as completely as is humanly possible.
Reports & Policies
- 2022 Annual Report
- Bullying Policy
- Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
- CPR Report
- DESE Report Card
- District Policy Manual
- Meal Modification Notification
- Right to Know & Asbestos Information (AHERA)
- School Improvement Plan
- School Safety & Security
- Technology Plan
- Wellness Policy
- Student Opportunity Act
2022 Annual Report
Bullying Policy
Bullying Policy
The passage of the new Bullying Law in Massachusetts requires every school system to develop a local policy to prevent, intervene and respond to any acts of Bullying or Cyber-Bullying that occur among their students.
The basic guidelines of this new piece of legislation are described as follows:
Definition and Prohibition of Bullying:
“Bullying”, the repeated use by one or more students or by a member of a school staff including, but not limited to, an educator, administrator, school nurse, cafeteria worker, custodian, bus driver, coach, advisor to an extracurricular activity or paraprofessional of a written, verbal or electronic expression or a physical act or gesture or any combination thereof, directed at a victim that
(i) causes physical or emotional harm to the victor or damage to the victim’s property;
(ii) places the victim in reasonable fear of harm to himself or of damage to his property;
(iii) creates a hostile environment at school for the victim;
(iv) infringes on the rights of the victim at schools or (
v) materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school. For the purposes of this section, bullying shall include cyber-bullying.
Cyber-Bullying is bullying through the use of technology or any electronic means, and includes the distribution of electronic communications or the posting of electronic material that may be accessed by one or more persons.
This bill prohibits bullying:
- At school and at all school facilities;
- At school-sponsored or school-related, non-school technology or electronic devices
if the bullying affects the school environment.
The bill applies to all school districts, commonwealth charter schools, collaborative and approved private day and residential schools.
An official policy has been established for the South Middlesex Regional Vocational Technical School District.
To the view the policy in English, please click HERE
Choose either of the following methods to reporting bullying:
- Download and print the INCIDENT REPORT
complete and send to Mr. Collins - Assistant Principal/Discipline, Mr. Evans - Principal, or the Main Office switchboard. - Send an anonymous email to
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
CPR Report
DESE Report Card
District Policy Manual
- SECTION A: Foundations and Basic Commitments
- SECTION B: School Board Governance and Operations
- SECTION C: General School Administration
- SECTION D: Fiscal Management
- SECTION E: Support Services
- SECTION F: Facilities Planning and Development
- SECTION G: Personnel
- SECTION H: Negotiations
- SECTION I: Instruction
- SECTION J: Students
- SECTION K: School, Community, and Home Relations
- SECTION L: Education and Agency Relations
- CODE FINDER INDEX - NEPN Classification System
SECTION A: Foundations and Basic Commitments
SECTION B: School Board Governance and Operations
SECTION C: General School Administration
SECTION D: Fiscal Management
SECTION E: Support Services
SECTION F: Facilities Planning and Development
SECTION G: Personnel
SECTION H: Negotiations
SECTION I: Instruction
SECTION J: Students
SECTION K: School, Community, and Home Relations
SECTION L: Education and Agency Relations
CODE FINDER INDEX - NEPN Classification System
Meal Modification Notification
Right to Know & Asbestos Information (AHERA)
Federal and Massachusetts's laws require that every school be inspected for asbestos. In accordance with EPA regulations and Massachusetts "Right To Know" law, this school has been inspected for asbestos-containing material and the building occupants must be notified as to the presence of asbestos. The existence of a friable type of asbestos material within our school can constitute an imminent health hazard, if fibers are released.
Asbestos - containing material is present in the Joseph P. Keefe Technical School, 750 Winter Street, Framingham, MA 01702. A record of the inspection report, diagrams of the location(s) of any asbestos-containing materials, and other pertinent information contained in the school's Asbestos Management Plan is available for review in the MAIN and BUSINESS offices. Asbestos containing materials should not be disturbed without proper training and equipment.
For further information, please contact the designated AHERA coordinator:
Michael Kane - Facilties Maintenance • 508.416.2212